Are you a small business owner on the lookout for ways to motivate your staff? There are numerous ways in which you can motivate your staffs without having to spend a dime.It has been proven in a number of ways that employees aren’t always motivated by money, but, rather by intrinsic motivators such as being recognized for their labour, giving room for them to grow significantly under your watch and also by making their working hours as flexible as possible.As a small business owner, intrinsic motivators are the best for your business because you wouldn’t have to break the bank in other to get your staffs motivated. Here is how to go about doing that.
1. Autonomy
Here is the thing with most human beings, we’ve always wanted to be our own boss regardless, nobody wants to serve. Rather than issuing out instructions all the time to your staffs.Give them the opportunity to make a few decisions themselves. For instance, during your monthly or weekly meetings, allow them to choose the subject of discussion for the meeting.
2. Give Purpose
Everybody wants to be a part of something great, something bigger than life. Always let them know how their hard work has immensely contributed to the success of your business.Most importantly, let them be aware of the alignments between the job and their values. It makes them feel more comfortable working for you.
3. Build a community
You do not necessarily need to make your work environment seems very tense, but rather put in place structures that’ll allow your team members to connect easily with one another. It shouldn’t be about the business all the time, allow them to celebrate one another on their birthdays.Encourage them to go for lunch in groups. When you do all these, they feel more connected to each other which will on the long run bring about more commitment to the job
4. Carry them along when planning for incentives
As a small business owner, you might be a little bit limited by your budget in giving incentives to your team members. But most importantly carry them along while planning for the incentives, you can do this either through surveys or suggestion box.When you do this, not only will you pass a message of a sense of belonging, your business bottom line will experience growth
5. Small business owners should give room for flexibilities
Nothing makes your staffs more committed to the job other than when there is a healthy balance between their personal lives and the job.When there is flexibility in your staffs working hours, they’ll have more time to spend with their families. By the time they resume for work, their level of productivity will be at peak.
6. Give room for personal growth
People often get bored with life when they keep doing the same thing every day. When people are in a rut, it’s very easy to lose focus and productivity will drop.Either you are a small business owner or not, encourage your staffs to learn something new. When you send your staffs on training, by the time they resume for work, they wouldn’t have to keep doing the same thing every blessed day because they would have learnt something new.
7. Get to know your team members in person
There is nothing bad in trying to stay connected with any of your team members outside work. But be sure not to cross the professional line. Get to know what their hobbies and interests are. Are they you in a relationship? Do they have children? when you do these, you get to what really makes them go tick.For instance, any member of your team who has a child will want to go home early. Why not consider allowing them to leave work some minutes toward the closing hours so that they could have time to attend to their kids?
Money, they say ‘might not necessarily get you everything you ever wanted”, which includes getting your staffs motivated. Either you are a small business owner or not, money might not all the time get your team going. But some of the things discussed here will. Why not consider giving it some shots? am sure you’ll be glad you did.